Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Seeing that it's been over a month since I started this blog and this being only my second post, I have decided that I am the worst blogger on this earth. I have also been called a heathen/pagan for "not reading my Bible." I think that I am... and it's not that I haven't been reading my Bible, but because I'm keeping this precious information from the people (all 4, one is my wife, and another is my sister-in-law) who follow my blog. If you couldn't tell, I am totally being facetious. I still have not decided whether or not to start with the Old or New Testament. Any suggestions?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Blogging the Bible

Listening to NPR the other day, I heard of a blog of an editor at Slate magazine. His name, What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." The other 30 percent are the miscellaneous ramblings of madmen. Anyway, back on topic, I decided it to take this project a step further, I am going to try and blog through the Bible, starting with the New Testament, then through the Old Testament, maybe. Who knows, I haven't started yet, so I might just change my mind and start with the Old Testament. Plotz is not going to do the New Testament, being a Jew, it's not part of his Bible. If you would like to read what he has so far it is here So stay tuned. You might learn something, you might not, either way, I think it's going to be an interesting journey...